Nevada Care Connection
Aging and Disability Services Division
Contact Information
Location: 3416 Goni Road Ste D-132 Carson City, NV 89706
Email: nvcc@adsd.nv.gov
About Us
Nevada is changing the way people access services in their community.
Nevada Care Connection focuses on you. Your goals. Your needs. And your preferences. Then, we help you explore services and programs. Finally, we can help connect you to the services you choose.
Established in 2005, Nevada Care Connection offers one on one assistance through our Resource Centers. In addition, we promote systems change and coordination of services. Nevada Care Connection is one of over 50 No Wrong Door Systems in the country. According to the U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL), "A No Wrong Door (NWD) System is a powerful network built to support individuals needing long-term care".
Nevada Care Connection empowers people to make informed decisions and exercise control over their long-term care needs. We help people reach their personal goals and preferences.
Connect to your local Nevada Care Connection Resource Center and start exploring.

Care Options
Types of Services
In Home Services
Home based services and supports can help you stay independent and safe in your home.
Facility & Acute Care
For some people, in home services may not be enough. There are several facility options to consider.
Veterans Services
As a current or former member of the U.S. Military, we thank you for your service. We are dedicated to helping you get the services, benefits and quality of life you deserve.
Financial Support & Resources
Learn about financial resources to help deal with life's ups and downs. Its never too late to start planning for your future.
Caregiver Support
Being a caregiver for someone can be incredibly challenging on many levels. Between managing prescriptions, budgeting, scheduling appointments and the countless responsibilities in-between, caregiving can quickly become overwhelming and stressful. Don't forget to take care of yourself so you can take care of others.
Am I a Caregiver?
Do you care for a loved one who has a chronic or other health condition, disability, or functional limitation? If so, you might be a caregiver! Often people think that caregivers can only be trained professionals. Rather, the long-term care system would fail without caregivers who provide care to important people in their lives!
Sometimes the word "caregiver" is miscommunicated. This could be because many people do not realize they are caregivers. For example, parents who have a child with a disability may not immediately identify as a caregiver because they assume that is their role within the family.
There is also sometimes a negative connotation with the term "caregiver". Many believe that this sounds like a one-sided relationship. However, this is not always the case so some people prefer the word "care partner".
Compound Caregivers
Some caregivers can be considered "compound caregivers" because they care for more than one person. An example of a compound caregiver is someone who cares for their elder parents and their adult child with a disability. If a compound caregiver cares for an older adult and also has minor children at home, we call them part of the "sandwich generation." This is a growing group of caregivers. Compound caregiving can be extremely challenging with time often being filled with the needs of their loved ones. Taking breaks can also be extremely challenging, since care is for more than one person. Families may also look to those who already are caregivers to take on additional care duties.
Link to Resource: https://www.nevadacareconnection.org/care-options/caregiver-support/
Request Help
If you would like help exploring your caregiving options, complete this short form. We will connect you with one-on-one assistance.