National Low Income Housing Coalition

Link to the Website: National Low Income Housing Coalition

Contact Information
Location: 1000 Vermont Ave, NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: (202) 662-1530
Donation Inquiries
Donors, and those with questions about donations or contributions to NLIHC, should contact Catherine Reeves, Development Coordinator, at 202-662-1530 x234 or creeves@nlihc.org.
Membership Inquiries
Those interested in becoming members, or current members with questions regarding their membership, should contact their Housing Advocacy Organizer. Each state's Housing Advocacy Organizer can be found here.
Press Inquiries
Members of the media on a deadline, and those seeking permission to reprint from NLIHC publications, should contact Renee Willis, Vice President for Field and Communications, at 202.662.1530 x247 or media@nlihc.org. If you would like to receive NLIHC Press Releases, please fill out the form here: https://nlihc.org/press/sign-receive-nlihc-press-releases
General Inquiries
All other inquiries can be addressed to outreach@nlihc.org.
Contact your Housing Advocacy Organizer:
NLIHC has a Field Team with different Housing Advocacy Organizers assigned to specific states. The Housing Advocacy Organizers are our members' direct points of contact for answers to federal policy or membership questions. Members also hear from us when there is a federal housing issue that needs attention.
- Name: Brooke Schipporeit
- Email: bschipporeit@nlihc.org
- Phone: 202.662.1530 x233
- States: Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah
- Name: Joseph Lindstrom
- Email: joseph@nlihc.org
- Phone: 202.662.1530 x222
- States: California, Idaho, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming
- Name: Kyle Arbuckle
- Email: karbuckle@nlihc.org
- Phone: 202.662.1530 x227
- States: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Puerto Rico, Washington, D.C.
- Name: Tori Bourret
- Email: vbourret@nlihc.org
- Phone: 202.662.1530 x244
- States: Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont
Source: National Low Income Housing Coalition. (2021). NLIHC Field Team. https://nlihc.org/nlihc-field-team

Who are they?
National Low Income Housing Coalition
Founded in 1974 by Cushing N. Dolbeare, NLIHC educates, organizes and
advocates to ensure decent, affordable housing for everyone.
Our goals are to preserve existing federally assisted homes and housing resources, expand the supply of low income housing, and establish housing stability as the primary purpose of federal low income housing policy.
NLIHC's staff teams work together to achieve our advocacy goals. Our Research Team studies trends and analyzes data to create a picture of the need for low income housing across the country. Our Policy Team educates lawmakers about housing need and analyzes and shapes public policy. Our Field Team mobilizes members and supporters across the country to advocate for good housing policy. Our Communications Team shapes public opinion of low income housing issues. And our Administration Team works to ensure NLIHC remains a sustainable, high-capacity organization.
We educate lawmakers and the public about the need for affordable homes.
We mobilize members and supporters across the country to advocate for good housing policy.
Shape Public Opinion
We shape public opinion of low income housing issues.
Source: National Low Income Housing Coalition. (2021a). About Us. https://nlihc.org/about

Advocacy Documents
The 2021 NLIHC Advocates' Guide
Whether you are a student in an urban planning program, a new employee at a housing agency or community development corporation, or a seasoned affordable housing advocate looking for a refresher on key programs, this section will give you the overview of housing programs and advocacy tools you need to be a leader in the affordable housing movement and to advocate effectively for socially just housing policy for low-income Americans.
Link to Document: The 2019 NLIHC Advocates' Guide
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Advocacy Resources
Chapter 3: National Housing Trust Fund
Chapter 4: Rental Housing Programs for the Lowest Income Households
Chapter 5: Affordable Housing Programs
Chapter 6: Special Housing Issues
Chapter 7: Housing Tools
Chapter 8: Community Development Resources
Chapter 9: Income Programs and Laws
Chapter 10: Coronavirus, Housing, and Homelessness
Chapter 11: About NLIHC
Chapter 12: Appendix
Source: National Low Income Housing Coalition. (2021c). The 2021 NLIHC Advocates' Guide. https://nlihc.org/explore-issues/housing-programs/primer
Projects & Campaigns
- National Housing Trust Fund
- State Partner Project
- Campaign for Housing and Community Development Funding
- Opportunity Starts at Home
- Disaster Housing Recovery
- Week of Action: Our Homes, Our Voices
- Civic Engagement: Our Homes, Our Votes
Out of Reach 2021: Nevada
Out of Reach documents the significant gap between renters' wages and the cost of rental housing across the United States. The report's central statistic, the Housing Wage, is an estimate of the hourly wage a full-time worker must earn to afford a modest rental home at HUD's fair market rent (FMR) without spending more than 30% of his or her income on housing costs, the accepted standard of affordability. The FMR is an estimate of what a family moving today can expect to pay for a modestly priced rental home in a given area.

Link to Page: Out of Reach 2021: Nevada