The Center

Link to Website: https://www.thecenterlv.org/

Contact Information
Location: 401 S. Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, NV 89101
Hours: Monday to Friday 10 am to 7 pm
Phone: (702) 733-9800
Affirmations LGBTQ+ Affirmative Counseling at The LGBTQ Community Center of Southern Nevada
(Information as of 4/12/2021)
"Affirmations: LGBTQ+ Affirmative Counseling" is a program that includes comprehensive mental health therapy and substance use treatment that is provided from an affirming and supportive perspective of LGBTQ+ identified people, their families, and loved ones. In addition to these services, the program also includes: case management (linkage to care and to other community resources such as housing, medical, jobs and vocational training, food, financial assistance, Medicaid and/or insurance enrollment, and Ryan White eligibility enrollment), HIV supportive services, and wellness education. The services in Affirmations are available to all individuals ages 13 and above (inclusive to all respective gender identities/expressions and/or sexual orientations). The services are provided by licensed counselors, case managers, and HIV services specialist staff members of Community Counseling Center in a partnership with the LGBTQ Community Center of Southern Nevada. Services include individual, group, couples, and family therapy and are available in person or through telehealth.
Hours On-Site:
- Monday: 10 am to 6 pm
- Tuesday: 10 am to 6 pm
- Thursday: 10 am to 6 pm
- Friday: 10 am to 6 pm
- (Wednesday off until further notice)
- Jaina Nelson, CSW-I, LSW (Monday, Tuesday, Friday)
- Patrick Sena-Bozarth, LMFT (Thursday) Executive Director of Community Counseling Center
Contact Information
Phone: 702-369-8700
Jaina: extension 291
Patrick: extension 295
Jaina: jnelson@cccofsn.org
Patrick: psenabozarth@cccofsn.org
Website, Social Media, Services Information, and Client Appointments:
- www.cccofsn.org
- Facebook: @AffirmationsLV
- Instagram: @AffirmationsLV
Fee information:
Center Advocacy Network
- Toll Free (833) 740-0500
- In Las Vegas, call (702) 745-4600
The LGBTQ+ Community Center of Southern Nevada (The Center) announces the release of its new Center Advocacy Network 24/7 Victim Hotline, a resource for all victims of crime. Staffed 24/7 with an army of CAN trained and certified volunteer advocates, the hotline assists victims of crime in obtaining resources and services.
As the social impact of COVID-19 isolation spreads, our communities will continue to see an increase in crime-everything from domestic violence, assault, elder abuse or neglect, identity theft, to sexual assault and burglary. The Center's hotline provides a way for victims of crime to connect to a volunteer advocate for assistance in locating the right services.
"It has been a long-term goal of The Center to launch a victim hotline to serve our community," said Holly Reese, Community Engagement Manager for The Center. "After years of training and certifying over 125 advocates, we are now able to staff a virtual call center at a time when Las Vegas needs us most."
The Center Advocacy Network (CAN) is one of two Nationally Credentialed victim advocacy training programs in Nevada and the only Nationally Credentialed advocacy program in the United States to specialize in LGBTQ issues.
The Hotline is the latest extension of The Online Center, a suite of online resources The Center has launched in response to the statewide Stay Home For Nevada initiative.
"Since March 17 when Governor Sisolak announced statewide stay-at-home orders, The Center has remained available to our patrons and to our community," said John Waldron, Executive Director of The Center. "The Center's doors remain open for essential services, but all group events have moved to The Online Center for Zoom-hosted group events. The staff continues to work from home and manage day-to-day programming."
In addition, The Center has been participating in the Delivering with Dignity meal delivery service. Over 10,500 meals have been delivered to at-risk individuals and families that lack the funds and resources to obtain basic nutrition. Meals are prepared daily at The Center by Jolt Coffee Co. who is one of the participating restaurants in the Delivering with Dignity program.
The Online Center, and The Center Advocate Network 24/7 Victim Hotline Virtual Call Center were developed in conjunction with The Center's technology partner, The Charity Gurus. The Center Advocacy Network and Hotline is supported by the Nevada State Division of Child and Family Services through Grant Number 2018-V2-GX-0076 from VOCA Victim Assistance funding.

Upcoming Events
Act III Senior Drop-In
DATE: December 22, 2021
TIME: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
The Center's ACT III (Aging Communities Together) offers a safe, fun, inclusive space for adults 50 and up to enjoy activities, games, films, and education, with their peers. Senior Drop-in is free and welcomes LGBTQIA+ and allied individuals.
Medicaid, SNAP, and Energy Assistance Sign-Up
DATE: December 22, 2021
TIME: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Assistance with applications for Medicaid, SNAP, and energy assistance provided by Three Square.
Free HIV Testing and Counseling
DATE: December 22, 2021
TIME: 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
The Center is proud to provide our community with access to the Arlene Cooper Wellness Clinic, where we offer free testing for HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia. For anyone testing positive for an STI/STD, we provide treatment as well.
(Last client at 5pm).
Comprehensive Sex Education
DATE: December 22, 2021
TIME: 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Youth ages 13 to 18 can receive (with parental consent) free sex education classes that cover contraception, consent, identity formation, and understanding of HIV/STI prevention, featuring the core values of abstinence, protection, and pregnancy prevention in an LGBTQIA -inclusive and gender-neutral environment.
To enroll, please send an email to: ajhult@thecenterlv.org